Monday, September 28, 2009

Forum on Global Health and Human Rights (FGHHR) Introductory Meeting next Tuesday

FGHHR is a student-run program that seeks to bring various fields together to discuss topics on global health and human rights.

Please come if you are interested in being involved in planning this year's forum. We also need your input so start thinking of ideas for possible forum topics and events you'd like to see! For example, past topics have included the ethics of global health education, water as a human right vs. a commodity, maternal mortality in developing countries, hunger and the global food crisis, environmental health and justice, and the dynamics of donor funding.

Tuesday, October 6 from 7:00pm - 8:00pm
RSVP to with "FGHHR Meeting" in the subject line by this Friday. We will inform you of the location thereafter.

Floria, Peter & Sara

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