Dear Friends of Maison de Naissance,
The HM-HB office in Kansas City has been receiving updates on the current situation at Maison de Naissance. In spite of the torrential rains and flooding throughout the country, the staff continues to report to duty and be prepared to do what they are known best for -- welcoming healthy mothers and healthy babies into this vast world.
After much discussion, HM-HB has created an Emergency Relief Fund. For more information about this, please go directly to
In the mean time, please keep our staff, patients, their families and the people of Haiti in your thoughts and prayers. The water will eventually flow back into the ocean and seep deep into the earth. Haiti, however will be left waist deep in mud, with even fewer functioning water pumps and just raw, bare soil. Naked. Just like a newborn child. And, this is going to be when Haiti needs a hand up even more than ever.
With Hope,
HM-HB Administrative Coordinator

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