Monday, September 15, 2008

Upcoming Projects for '08-'09

As discussed at our first meeting and then some:


Saving Mothers Research Team is an organization dedicated to reducing maternal and neonatal deaths in developing countries. You can make a difference! This semester, help us distribute clean birthing kits for home births in Sierra Leone, which has the highest maternal and neonatal mortality rates. Or, if you are traveling abroad, join our research network to increase access to a lifesaving drug.

For more information, check out our website at To get involved, email

Maison de Naissance is primarily a birthing-center. MN also provides family planning services, immunizations for children, helps to treat malaria cases, as well as home visits to assure the general health of the neighboring families. In March 2008, a group of 8 postbacc students went on a volunteer trip to work at Maison de Naissance, a rural healthcare clinic in Les Cayes, Haiti. Prior to going, SJM hosted a fundraiser and office-supply drive.

For the 2008-2009 school year, SJM would like to continue its involvement with Maison de Naissance. We have several goals this school year: hosting fundraisers to support the clinic, (check the calendar for more information about the upcoming Clothing-Swap); raising awareness of the social, political, and economic challenges facing Haiti through lectures. We are also exploring the possibility of taking another trip in 2009.

Anyone interested in getting involved can email with "Haiti" in the subject line.

The HIV & Poverty Rotation Program is currently in the nascent stages. The program's goals is to make explicit the deep connections between health and socioeconomic conditions particularly as it concerns HIV infection here in New York City.

The program will consist of two phases: 1) a shadowing rotation through several clinics and community based organizations that serve New Yorkers living with HIV and 2) a longer term project working with one of the aforementioned organizations.

Anyone interested in getting involved can email with "HIV Rotation" in the subject line.

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