Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"Standard Operating Procedure" Screening Next Monday at Columbia P&S

Campaign Against Torture
National Day of Awareness:
Monday, October 6th.

Is it possible for a photograph to change the world?

Twelve photographs from Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison changed the war in Iraq and changed America's image of itself. And yet, a central question remains. Did the notorious Abu Ghraib photographs constitute evidence of systematic torture and abuse by the American military, or were they documenting the aberrant behavior of a few "bad apples"?

In STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE, documentary filmmaker Errol Morris (THE FOG OF WAR, THE THIN BLUE LINE) examines the context of these photographs. Why were they taken? What was happening outside the frame? Morris talks directly to the soldiers who took the photographs and who were in the photographs.

Physicians for Human Rights is partnering with Participant Media to host a national day of awareness through the country-wide campus screening of STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE. Afterwards will be a post-film live webcasted interview with the film creator Errol Morris and PHR's lead author of the landmark report "Broken Laws, Broken Lives," Farnoosh Hashemian.

At CUMC, the film will be shown in Hammer 401 from 7-9pm, followed by the webcasted interview from 9-9:40. Please come earlier for food and beverages before the film starts.

Please RSVP at

Watch the preview

Social Justice Medicine
School of General Studies
Columbia University

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